Contact Us

The first step

Thank you for taking the time to view our website. We hope you have found it helpful and informative.

Having read and being satisfied with all the questions and answers section page, if you still think at this initial stage, Freemasonry may be of interest to you and would like to know more, please feel free to contact us.

Anyone offering himself as a candidate should be of good repute and should be entirely assured in his own mind and as a pre-requisite:

  • he sincerely seeks intellectual and moral improvement for himself and others.
  • a belief in a "Supreme Being" (God as you understand him).
  • able to afford lodge subscriptions and contribute to charity, without having an adverse impact on his family or business.
  • that he is willing and able to devote part of his time, to attend Lodge meetings, rehearsals, socials and events.
  • that he will never seek commercial, social or pecuniary advantage from his membership.

Making contact

There are three ways to make contact. This can be done by either-

A) By sending an e-mail to the Secretary W.Bro. Keith Gregory

B) By phoning 07957 870 416

C) By completing the form below

We will then address any concerns that you may have and then if all is well to arrange a convenient time for you to come along to Great Queen Street where we can meet on an informal basis and you will be able to ask any further questions.

Getting to know each other

After the meeting and once you feel that all the questions have been answered then normally an application form is completed. If by mutual agreement, it is then decided that your application should proceed, we will include the names of two Lodge members who have met you. Once completed we would ask that you meet with the Lodge Committee, again to get to know you more and of course you to get to know us. This meeting will still be friendly but a slightly more formal occasion.

Becoming a Freeman of the City

Having first passed the interview at the Guild of Freemen Lodge, if you are not already a Freeman we can then arrange for you to become a Freeman of the City of London. Once this has been completed and you are a Freeman, you are then able to be balloted to become a member of Guild of Freemen Lodge No. 3525.

Joining the Lodge

Your application will then be formally read out aloud in open Lodge at one of our four main Lodge meetings. If approved, then after this meeting, a date will then be set for your admission to join Guild of Freemen Lodge No. 3525 and to become a Freemason.

We will make every attempt to explain to you about each step of your journey. We appreciate it sometimes may feel a lengthy process but always worth the wait to become a Freemen of the City and then a Freemason.